In this episode I interview Jonathan Brilliant, an artist who builds sculptures out of thousands of coffee stir sticks. We discuss his work and his Baton Rouge sculpture, The Red Stick Piece. We also venture into some philosophical territory as we debate the function of art, the way it makes an impression, and if there is such a thing as bad art.
A video from Jonathan’s vimeo page showing him at work on The Red Stick Piece
Listen to the Podcast
My editorial, in which I expand on my thoughts about art and why it matters, begins around 38:40.
Photo of one of Jonathan’s fortune cookie installations from his Flickr page (originally uploaded on 5/18, 2011)
Related Links
- Jonathan Brilliant’s site
- The nsavides Blog on the questionable merits of Mel Bocher’s “Blue Smudge.”
- The nsavides Blog post in which Louisiana Art & Science Museum is mentioned
- Photos I took at the dismantling of Jonathan’s Red Stick installation
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