Hannah Leder has a variety of acting credits including Deep Impact, Pay it Forward, and Judd Apatow’s Love series. She also has a recurring role on Apple TV+’s The Morning Show.
On this podcast episode I interview Hannah about her work on The Planters, a quirky, character-driven comedy that won Best of the Fest, Best Cinematography, and Best Song at Nashville Film Festival. Along with Alexandra Kotcheff, Hannah co-wrote, co-directed, co-starred, and co-shot the film. The Planters ended up taking 127 days to shoot, and Hannah and Alexandra were the only crew members on set.

Some of the things we discuss include
- How to shoot a high-quality film with a two-person crew
- The camera and lighting setups they used for the film
- How the stop-motion sequences in the film came together
At the end of the episode you can hear a preview of “You and Me Together,” the film’s award-winning song from Phil Danyew.
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nsavides productions – I make friendly, engaging videos for earnest people.
This is Up to Date, a short comedy about a blind date gone wrong. It’s the first live-action short I directed a few years ago, and it was written by Stephen Hoover. His script Damage Control was a finalist in the Nashville Film Festival’s screenwriting competition, and he helped to make possible my podcast festival coverage.
More of my videos are here.
Say hello: podcast@nsavides.com
Related Episode
If you’d like to learn more about how comedy works, then check out this interview I did with Steve Kaplan. He teaches comedy workshops around the world. Companies like Dreamworks, Disney, HBO, Paramount, and Touchstone regularly hire him as a consultant and script doctor.
Related Things
- Shortcut for the podcast: nicksav.show
Additional music for the show provided by Rob Costlow.
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