Getting established within an area’s filmmaking, music, or design community takes some effort. Now imagine finding success in all three areas, and you’ll start to understand why Clay Achee‘s resume is so impressive.
Clay on set for Pacifico’s music video “I’ve Finally Found What I’m Looking For”
As a filmmaker, Clay has a page worth of credits ranging from boom operator, to foley artist, to first assistant director. He’s also directed shorts and music videos and is on staff with Tommy’s TV, a production company in Baton Rouge. On the music side, he’s heard regularly on Baton Rouge’s WHYR 96.9 FM, where he DJs and talks about the history of rock ‘n’ roll on his weekly show. He was also the guy responsible for booking local bands for the esteemed, but now defunct, music venue Mud & Water. Back in 2013 he penned an Open Letter to the Baton Rouge Music Scene that was embraced by the local music community. On top of that, Clay runs a company with his wife called Beyond the Garage, where they make puppets and other artisanal craft projects.
Some of the puppets made by Beyond the Garage
Clay came on the show to talk about how he got connected with all those different scenes. He also gives advice to bands trying to get a DJ’s attention, offers collaborative tips, and makes an impassioned plea for artists to work together in their communities.
Listen to the Podcast
Related Things
Clay directed this Dark Crystal fan film which got featured on The Jim Henson Company’s YouTube page.
- Clay’s IMDb page
- Clay’s company, Beyond the Garage
- Clay does video production work for Tommy’s TV.
- Clay’s puppet show with Food Network Star’s Jay Ducote, Free Booze Friday
- Clay’s blog, which includes his Open Letter to the Baton Rouge Music Scene
- Screaming Shih-Tzu Productions, the stop-motion company that Clay mentioned
- Music Clay mentioned:
- Liam Catchings and the Jolly Racket’s song “My Name is John the Baptist”
- Pacifico’s Without Heroes album
- Clay’s music video for Pacifico
- My podcast interview with Pacifico’s Matthew Schwartz, where you can learn more about the inspiration for the song “I Finally Found What I’m Looking For” and the Without Heroes album.
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Really enjoyed this episode! Clay’s joy and enthusiasm for what he does is palpable and, as you promised, came through really well.
I would like to lobby that “Beyond the Garage” consider actually making a Nick puppet (and maybe a Poe puppet), and if a video short of the two can be made, even better. #NickandPoePuppetVideo. Yes!
Hi Jill,
Glad you liked this one. It was a fun one to put together.
I will pass along your puppet idea to Clay. Would be great to do a special edition puppet episode where I interview others while using my puppet doppelganger!
Regarding the #NickandPoePuppetVideo, I don’t know if Poe ever had the opportunity to visit New Orleans, but let’s say he did not….perhaps the video short could be Puppet Nick presenting a Top 10 (or top 23…?) list of things to do or see in the city that Puppet Poe would enjoy.
You may be onto something here. The world may, in fact, be long overdue for a New Orleans listicle from Puppet Edgar Allan Poe. If it does well enough it would certainly make for interesting dinner-theater cross promotions. Hmm …