Stillmotion is a company known for capturing stunning visuals while being fanatically focused on putting story first. They have shot footage for the NFL, have worked with some of the world’s biggest companies, and have been awarded a few Emmys for their efforts. Recently Stillmotion released their first original feature-length documentary, #standwithme. They are currently building a community of filmmakers through their Story & Heart project. Co-founder Patrick Moreau came on The nsavides Podcast to discuss the collaborative aspects of storytelling.
As Patrick explains, “Stillmotion believes in the incredible power of story and that we can all do so much more when we work together than we can alone. Because of that we are currently building a community of filmmakers through an exciting new project called Story & Heart – an innovative new online platform that helps storytellers from all over the world share, connect, and build stories together.”
The Long Weekend – a Story & Heart collaboration with 43 filmmakers
Listen to the Podcast
Stillmotion’s first Share project – made to raise awareness of a cafe that brings hope to at-risk young people
Links from the Show
- Learn more about Stillmotion and access their tutorials:
- The filmmaking community that Stillmotion is building, Story & Heart
- The profile piece that Stillmotion did of a Saints fan after the team’s Super Bowl XLIV victory, When the Saints are What You Have
- The Emmy-winning doc that offers an insider’s glimpse into the Army-Navy football game, Game of Honor
- Stillmotion’s Canon video that features BioBeats, an app which turns heartbeats into music: Pulse
- Stillmotion’s documentary about a girl who battles slavery with a lemonade stand, #standwithme
- The Facebook page for the short film I directed about a soldier battling PTSD: Trent’s War
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