Bo Burlingham is an editor-at-large at Inc. Magazine, but he is best known for writing Small Giants, the business book that grew into an international movement now represented by the Small Giants Community. At the core of the Small Giants ethos is the idea that a great business is not necessarily the biggest company, but a values-driven company that excels at serving others.
Bo Burlingham’s Twitter pic:
Bo’s newest book is Finish Big, a look at what happens when businesses are sold and a continuation of the ideas found in Small Giants. The two books emphasize the importance of finding a higher purpose beyond the bottom line in our business endeavors.
I brought Bo on the show to talk about how his ideas relate to creative people who are pursuing careers in film, music, and the arts. Bo spends a lot of time talking about intangible aspects of a business, so there’s a lot of overlap with artists who do the same. We also discuss the PR problem that business faces and ways that creatives can help. Plus, Bo offers some suggestions to creatives who plan to approach others for funding.
As if that weren’t enough, the above photo from Fast Company gets a mention. Do we believe the man in the photo is as saintly as he is depicted? Well, to find out…
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Related Things
- Bo’s website:
- Small Giants, the book
- Free webinars from the Small Giants Community
- Finish Big
- Conscious Capitalism, the book from co-CEO of Whole Foods, John Mackey
- A look at how David Simon pitched HBO on The Wire, from Stephanie Palmer’s blog
- To hear an extended discussion on the tradeoff between paying celebrities and paying visual-effects companies, check out our episode with visual-effects supervisor Mike Seymour.
- This is the Small Giants book promotion I ran on my blog. In it, I share the kind of small giant I want to be, and so do a few others.
Sponsor for this episode
- LA Film Prize, a short-film festival in Shreveport, Louisiana. Home of the $50,000 film prize. Viva La Film Prize!
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Hmmmm….agreed with some of the conversation, but strongly disagreed with a lot of, especially around capitalism, it’s benefits and the role of the media in reinforcing the image of the corporation as “evil”.
However it’s good that the conversation is provocative and may elicit strong responses.