In this episode, I talk to Mike Seymour, an Emmy nominated visual-effects artist and one of the founders of fxguide. Mike talks about some key traits of a good visual-effects artist, how tax-rebates and celebrities affect the industry, and how to live a balanced life while pursuing a competitive career. We also talk about the new term at fxphd and why training at fxphd is more advanced than anything that I experienced in film school.
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Related Things
- fxguide
- fxphd: If you sign up for a full term, would you consider using nsavides as your referring member? In that case I get a free class!
- Mike does a couple of podcasts, including fxguidetv, the vfx show, and the rc (one of my favorite podcasts on digital cinematography)
- The Moonbot Studio interview on The nsavides Podcast: Toward the end of the interview, one of the company founders talks about how Louisiana’s tax rebates helped their company survive.
- Mike’s detailed write up and some video demos of Maya’s Bifrost
- “If I don’t put a visual effects shop out of business, I’m not doing my job” story on Variety
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Enjoyed hearing and learning about the issues facing the vfx community and industry. Also enjoyed watching the video about Rhthym and Hues. It reaffirms my belief that more regenerative approaches to commerce are very much needed across many industries and disciplines.
Thanks for checking in, Jill. I like that phrase, “regenerative approaches.” It’s an efficient way of suggesting that conditions will only continue to deteriorate if everyone just sticks with the default and convenient way of doing things, and you’re right: it seems like a handful of industries could benefit from big-picture thinking that aims to make things better for everyone involved.